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Infinity Volunteers is a private, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in humanitarian service, strengthen their awareness of diverse cultures, and develop a lifelong commitment to helping others by participating in projects locally, nationally, and internationally.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day Four of Construction


  1. Hey everyone, it looks like the homes are really coming together nicely, you should all be proud. Colton, the little boy in the picture with you and Cooper looks like he enjoys the spotlight!! I think he is in nearly every picture. I hope you are doing well and feeling well, it has been one long week for us back home, but seeing the pictures makes it easier. Enjoy the final five days, and have fun be safe and know that we love you!!! Dad

  2. More great pics, everyone looking stylish in their tie-dyes! Hey Jenna, don't forget to take a lot of pictures. You should be able to get some great ones for your Photo Fine Arts Fair next month!

  3. The houses look like they are coming along fabulously! I love seeing everyone in these pictures! The kids look so happy to have you all there caring enough to build them a "real" home. I know I keep saying this, but I admire you all for giving yourselves to this small part of the world. Which, by the way, is a world away from your parents--I'm finding that the hardest part--the distance! i keep checking the clock to see what time it is there for you guys..lol. I miss you so much Luke- the house is quiet. Don't worry I haven't forgotten to feed Salley :) & Charlie still won't leave my side..haha. You look so happy in the picture--a smile that came right from your heart--it warms mine incredibly!! Thank you Team India for all that you are doing. <3 <3.
    Team Nicaragua has started their project as well. The families look so greatful. I'm sure you will all have so many stories to share about your different experiences. Proud of the whole INFINITY Group! Thanks again Kim & Nicki for founding this & sharing with our children. xoxoxo
    Can't wait to see all your pictures Luke---love you

  4. WOW!! Look what you have all done! You must feel so proud of yourselves! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be a parent of a child who is willing to give so freely of themselves, the pride I feel is overwhelming and I know each of your parents is feeling the same. Looking at these pictures I can see so much love and gratitude, there is in better gift in life than to give from your heart.

    Luke your Mom and Dad are missing you, but are so proud honey. Mom and I talk every day we are keeping eachother companyWOW!! Look what you have all done! You must feel so proud of yourselves! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be a parent of a child who is willing to give so freely of themselves, the pride I feel is overwhelming and I know each of your parents is feeling the same. Looking at these pictures I can see so much love and gratitude, there is in better gift in life than to give from your heart.

    Luke your Mom and Dad are missing you, but are so proud honey. Mom and I talk every day we are keeping eachother company it's comforting to have someone who knows how I'm feeling.... Missing our babes. Lots of love to you angel xox

  5. It's interesting to see the inside of one of the houses! You guys are working so hard and doing a great job. Everyone looks bright and cheery in their new tie-dyed t-shirts! Enjoy the warm weather (I hope it's not TOO hot) because it was in the 20s here today - it should be better tomorrow, but brrrrr the wind was brutal this morning. All of my colleagues at work have seen the blog and are very impressed. I even showed it to one of my classes today, and they were asking lots of questions. Everyone is interested in what you're doing - just think of how many people you guys have affected and educated already! I hope your stomachs are holding up.... how does everyone feel? I hope you're all doing as well as you look in the photos. :) Love and miss you, Alanna!! XO

  6. You are all doing a fantastic job on this project! It must be great to see such progress made in the short time that you have been there. Matt would be proud of the tie-dye shirts, Col, as would all of the Shake-a-Leg family. I can't wait to go through the blog with you and learn the answers to all of the questions that go through my mind, such as who is in the picture beside the woman and is it the same boy in the window getting into another picture? What are your meals like? Please photograph everything!!! We just got back from visiting Matt and the house is so empty and quiet, we miss you so much! Thank goodness for this blog!! Love you, Col...XOXO

  7. The house look great! You guys are doing an amazing job. I hope that everyone is feeling well. Ella how's the filming going? Can't wait to see the footage. You should all be proud of your service work.
