About Me

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Infinity Volunteers is a private, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in humanitarian service, strengthen their awareness of diverse cultures, and develop a lifelong commitment to helping others by participating in projects locally, nationally, and internationally.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Good morning from India!

What an amazing journey we are all having!  Circle last night was wonderful and afterwards everyone huddled around the computer to read the comments from you all.  Keep 'em coming....we love it that you are sharing in our adventure!

Today's work in the village will be to whitewash (paint) many of the homes.  This should be a messy, but fun, task.  Late in the afternoon, we will visit the AIDS compound.  Should be a very emotional day.

I will try to post again in a few hours.



  1. I just wanted to say that this blog is the best! It is so comforting and so enjoyable to see these pictures every day. I so look forward to them...Have fun painting, and I'd love to see pictures of some messy kids!....Hey Jen, don't forget that we're painting the deck in the spring...good practice!

  2. Andrew, when are you doing your senior project? Sounds like you all have been working hard with your hands. You may need the wound care products for your own hands...

  3. Love, love, love the pictures! Sounds like a very productive day. I hope you all paint better than me..lol. Can't wait to see the updated blog!! The afternoon sounds like an eye opening experience for all. Thank you for this blog. It keeps us all in touch with you & let's us share in your daily experiences. The Internet is a crazy thing...it may just catch on one of these days :). I saw Thomas today Luke & he can't believe how far away you are..picture his surprised face!

  4. I look forward to my morning peek at the blog. It has been wonderful to live this trip with you all vicariously. I look forward to sharing your stories of India. The weather here is COLD. Another blizzard again this weekend - we didn't get large volumes of snow (4-5 inches), but the winds have been howling since Friday night.

  5. Andrew, that is such a nice way to honor your father. I am sure he would be so proud and honored to know he was part of this amazing trip. It is so amazing how connected we can be to those so far away from us. This trip is going to stick with you for your whole life and I am sure effect the choices you make along the way in how you help people. Thanks Infinity Volunteers for being who you are. Makes my heart swell. Have fun painting. Xo Kim
