About Me

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Infinity Volunteers is a private, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in humanitarian service, strengthen their awareness of diverse cultures, and develop a lifelong commitment to helping others by participating in projects locally, nationally, and internationally.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Rise and Shine

We just woke the kids to get ready for our second day of building.  They will be completing another roofing project today....similar to yesterday.  It is hard work.  As you can see from yesterday's photos, they need to lift concrete over there heads to the next tier of staging to get it to the roof.....not an easy task.  EVERYONE worked so hard.  Not to worry, they have been drinking lots of water and wearing sunscreen.  After our roofing project is finished, we will visit a local school today.  We will have the opportunity to sing and dance with the local students......I will post photos tonight.

Thank you so much for your support.



  1. I suspect there will be a few sore muscles today! Colleen and Alanna, teach the children a few Irish dance steps...nothing like a reel or a jig to cross language and culture barriers. Especially when danced in work boots! The house is awfully quiet without you, Col...love you so much and miss you like crazy! Have a wonderful and awesome day Team India!

  2. Kim, Dave, Shirley and Gerri... Thank you for all your support1 You truly are angels xoxoxo

  3. Loving the photos and impressed by all of you and what must be an incredible amount of work. I can only imagine the breath of fresh air you are all bringing to this community. Your energy, positive attitudes and determination are likely a huge motivation for this village. Otherwise, they'd face all this alone. Your impact will last far beyond your 12 days there! Keep up the great work. Andreas, we missed you already, but your siblings are all at MBC for the weekend.... its way too quiet!

  4. Stay well hydrated and work those sore muscles out. You guys are doing great!! Can't wait to more pictures tonight!! Love you!

  5. Wow the houses are really pretty big and sturdy and something the villagers must love when done. I hope it feels rewarding to know you helped. Nice job on your yoga poses too guys. Miss you tons Ella. Love from me, dad and Keydell.
